Acknowledgements & Thanks

In addition to: the Funders, University of Guelph partners, the gentle Tree Team members,
 and creative team; plus, of course, THE TREES

Thank you

How To Draw a Tree Facebook Group (Jan Hamilton)
JP Davidson of Pop Up Podcasting

Dr. Carolyn Pelletier 
Steve Wadhams 
Melanie Bowman
Didi Mooij
Polly Simard
Aron Fezekas
Nik Tjelios
Dawn Ann Webster
Greg Tarlin
Gary Page from Page Graphics
Don Russell
Wayne Tucker
Todd Fell
Matt Solstys
Denise Fell
Doug Larson
Kyra Vermond
Elia Morrison
Old Lumpy
The wind

Dedicated to friends and family living and no longer living with challenging mental health conditions.