Welcome to Carey West’s sound walk. Carey’s walk explores The Arboretum and makes connections with the Ward neighbourhood in Guelph where she lives. All along the way, Carey is searching for belonging, her own. Her wanders in the woods are full of song until she meets ‘her tree,’ a quiet refuge. Trigger warning: this story discusses…
Author: Richelle Forsey
Welcome to Abhiraj Dadiyan’s sound walk “Semi-Colon”. Abhiraj nearly extinguished his own light a few years ago; now he acts as a lamplighter for others. “Death has always given me her bed, but never her hand …” His meandering, philosophical walk invites the listener to interact with nature in imaginative and playful ways. Trigger warning:…
Look at These Big F***ing Trees!
Welcome to Jordie Lescard’s sound walk. With humour, candour and a gentle heart, Jordie tells the story of his youth and his not-so-typical journey to higher education; he being the first in his family to attend university. The forest used to be a place Jordie went to escape life; now it is where he finds connection. Trigger…
“Look at These Big F***ing Trees!” STOP
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