
The route map of Abhiraj’s walk Semi-Colon.

Welcome to Abhiraj Dadiyan’s sound walk “Semi-Colon”.

Abhiraj nearly extinguished his own light a few years ago; now he acts as a lamplighter for others. “Death has always given me her bed, but never her hand …”

His meandering, philosophical walk invites the listener to interact with nature in imaginative and playful ways.

Trigger warning: talk of suicide  throughout but always returning to hope and light.

(Original music by Jeff Bird) 

This is the virtual and accessible version of their sound walk for those who are unable to experience it onsite in The Arboretum.

Semi-Colon was the 2023 Honourable Mention for the Sound Walk September Awards!

Click on the sound files in the order they appear below and explore the image and video galleries while you are listening.

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0 – Start/Intro

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1 – Wall-Custance Memorial Grove Plaques

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2 – Slingshot Trees & Bench

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3 – Wall-Custance Memorial Grove Boardwalk

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4 – Friendship Bench & Survivor Elms

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5 – Stay and Rest Bench

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6 – Bald Cypress


7 – Petrified Wood


8 – Write a Poem Bench


9 – Magnolia Spoon Tree?

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10 – Walk to the Trembling Aspens

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11 – Black Walnuts

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12 – Gosling Gardens Pond