Welcome to Carey West’s sound walk.
Carey’s walk explores The Arboretum and makes connections with the Ward neighbourhood in Guelph where she lives. All along the way, Carey is searching for belonging, her own. Her wanders in the woods are full of song until she meets ‘her tree,’ a quiet refuge.
Trigger warning: this story discusses domestic violence. Please take care of yourself as you listen and feel free to pause or discontinue the audio walk if you need too.
(Original music by Carey West, soundtrack by Jeff Bird)
This is the virtual and accessible version of their sound walk for those who are unable to experience it onsite in The Arboretum.
Click on the sound files in the order they appear below and explore the image and video galleries while you are listening.
0 – Start / Intro

1 – Turn on to the Wall-Custance Memorial Trail

2 – Turn left onto the Trillium Trail

2 – Expectations and adventures

2- Pause on the bridge

2- Cross over College St
3 – The Arboretum Nursery

7 – Acorn Trail

8 – Elm Tree Gene Bank

9 – Side Trail Savanna

10 – Copper Beech Tree